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Analysis of Map

In the first phase, there were a total of 524 mature trees mapped in an area of about half a square km. We have analysed this data and here are the findings.


Tree Wealth


"Air" or oxygen is a natural resource, which is everyone's right and should be free, safe. Unfortunately it is not. Even though this seems 'free' as of now, we pay for the pollution through doctor's visits and medicines). We might even have to pay for it in future. What would be valuation of a tree then? So we calculated what we take from the trees in terms of oxygen. 


Our experts have calculated that these 524 trees together provide oxygen of 312 tonnes, i.e. to put it simply, for about 140 people for an entire year. That is the amount of free oxygen.

Just to clarify, we get oxygen majorly from two sources, 70% from the sea, more precisely phytoplanktons and about 30% from rainforests. Since the majority of forests are sooner or later going to get merged with our cities, trees could be an important asset for our survival in the city as well.

For those thinking futuristic and optimistic, wondering if we can create our own oxygen artificially, the reality is grim.  In the research done till now, even NASA state that it is more efficient to produce oxygen using plants on the space station instead of artificially by electrolysis. The pipelines with oxygen at hospitals and those cylinders available commercially are mostly diluted oxygen and impossible to use daily. Unless of course you don't mind going around with a mask and a cylinder on your back with a pipeline plugged into your nose.

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Environmental Worker

Carbon dioxide

Our global collective conscious is now fully aware of climate change. We already know that since the level of C02 has increased, temperatures are rising. We also know that trees absorb Co2 but how much?


Our experts have calculated that the 524 trees mapped so far absorb 428 tonnes of carbon. Sounds a lot but what does it mean? Well if you had to set up an industrial plant to absorb this much of CO2, it would cost Rupees. 34 lakh/year. In fact, savings in oxygen is 10 times more, that is Rupees 34 million/year. These trees are saving us a whole lot of revenue! Maybe in future, each area of city could be assessed for a valuation of its tree wealth. Apart from being a wiser investment, trees are also the most effective, and beautiful way of fighting climate change. Don't you think?

From an opportunity cost point of view, if you look at the global sequestration charges, meaning if you had to set up an industrial plant to take out this 428 tonnes of co2 from the air mechanically, it would cost about Rs. 34 lakh/year. Subtract from this the annual cost of maintenance of street trees in our city and we are still in profit.

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